The Flying Neutrinos
Music from "The Hotel Child" is included in the films Blast from the Past, Three to Tango, The Opportunists, HBO's Sex in the City, and Loose Women. Their music will be on the album compilations Swing This Baby Vol. 1 & 2; Old Navy's retail compilation, Hipsters, Zoots and Wingtips; the Three to Tango Soundtrack; and the Blast from the Past Soundtrack. See their web site for all the latest, including sound clips from their albums: www.flyingneutrinos.com Marine Salvage & Service - Port Isabel, TX"Commercial diving, marine salvage, construction, repairs and pollution control. Serving South Texas for 25 years." Billy Kenon has probably the largest marine salvage operation in this part of the world. After hearing about our plans for the Orphanage Raft Project, he has donated us docking space for the Vilma B and June's Barn rafts, and is donating space, resources, and his vast knowledge and experience to the Orphanage Raft Project. He also provided space and utilities for the construction of the Absolute Absolution, which without his generosity might never have gotten finished. He continues to be our most important benefactor. DOWS, IOWA"A good town in a friendly, progressive community, in a great state!" The Floating and Buoyant Neutrinos stumbled upon this unique spot during a snow storm by following the signs for their welcome center off of highway I-35. We were immediately befriended by Jim White, president of the Dows Historical Society, who gave us a very enjoyable and informative tour of the local historical sites, including a fascinating blacksmith shop with all kinds of historical and antique tools and equipment. He graciously invited us to lunch at the Mercantile Store, a restored 19th century commercial building, now an antiques and craft store and coffee shop, where our conversation led to a scheme for a joint project in the Dows blacksmith shop to build parts and machinery for the Vilma B. This idea gradually evolved into the building of a pushboat/floating sawmill/raft as a joint project together with the Dows Historical Society and local volunteers of Dows. Initially this was to be called the "Dows Iowa," but was renamed "June's Barn," in honor of June Hanson, whose barn supplied most of the lumber for the vessel. For more information see the Dows Raft Project page and the log of the Vilma B, where all the progress of this project is being frequently updated Please visit the Dows website, and if you are travelling through the area, do not neglect to make the short trip (2 miles) off the highway - you will be very glad you did! www.dowsiowa.com Smithway Motor Xpress (SMX)On August 18, 2000, June's Barn, our pushboat raft which was built in Dows, Iowa, was trucked to Grafton, Illinois, by Smithway Motor Xpress (SMX), and launched into the Illinois River, within sight of its confluence with the Mississippi. This was such a long-awaited event, and as we got further and further downriver, we had begun to worry that the June's Barn might not catch up with us at all. But Jim White, president of the Dows Historical Society, worked the phones tirelessly until he connected with the Smithway folks, who volunteered to transport the raft from Dows to where the Vilma B was, free of charge. Without their help, this probably wouldn't have happened. Thanks go to all at SMX who were involved in this effort!
PARA-TECH® SEA ANCHORS"GOOD SEAMANSHIP being THE ESSENCE OF PREPAREDNESS, no small, independent craft should venture offshore without the tremendous confidence, security/insurance - and peace of mind - afforded by a PARA-TECH® Sea Anchor. " PARA-TECH® was the very first company to believe in us enough to make a donation. While the Son of Town Hall was still in its trial design period, they donated a PARA-TECH® parachute-type sea anchor and a Delta Drogue speed limiting drogue device. We used both of these throughout our trial and re-design period off the coast of New England and became quite familiar with their use and effects on our unique craft. During the actual Atlantic crossing, the sea anchor gave us much needed rest on several occasions, and kept us from drifting backward when the wind turned against us. For a very slow moving craft such as the Son of Town Hall (our average over the entire crossing was only 1.5 knots), holding our position under adverse conditions and not losing hard won distance was essential, and a great morale booster. But most important of all, we knew that we had the sea anchor option there for us, if all else failed and we were in storm conditions. As it turned out, our combination deep daggerboard and heavy duty storm jib worked perfectly to keep us aligned to the seas in gales (up to Force 9) we encountered, but nevertheless, we would not have put to sea without the safety backup of our PARA-TECH® sea anchor. PARA-TECH® has a highly informative website, showing all their products, which now include a new BOAT BRAKES option, and a full line of hardware and cordage. Also available from PARA-TECH® is the fascinating and extremely educational publication, Drag Device Data Base, compiled over many years and including numerous real - life incidents of the use of drogues and sea anchors of all kinds, with every kind of vessel. This book is a must for anyone considering cruising offshore. Please visit their web site: www.seaanchor.com Peace PilgrimPeace Pilgrim (1908-1981) walked throughout the U.S. for 28 years, having pledged herself to "walk until given shelter and fast until given food, remaining a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace." Her work is continued by several groups throughout the world today. On this website you will find many of her own writings and talks, as well as news of organizations inspired by her pilgrimage, and many links to peace groups throughout the world: a deeply refreshing and inspiring site and a challenging call to action. Hiawatha Sustainable Woods CooperativeJim Beeman, who floated on his houseboat, along with the Vilma B, from Latsch Island, MN, to Prairie du Chien, WI, "is a trained woodsman who has seen the need for sustainable forestry." He is working to help create the Hiawatha Sustainable Woods Cooperative (HSWC), in Winona and Fountain City, WI, which is "a timber management, processing, and marketing cooperative of local forest owners. HSWC's purpose is to maximize the long-term benefits from our area forest resource." (quotes taken from their web page) By the way, Jim and his boating partner Bobby King did more than just float along; they acted as temporary pushboat for the Vilma B and helped build a section of the raft. See the log of the Vilma B. HSWC is connected with Timbergreen Farm and Timbergreen Forestry, who "work with other forest owners to grow large high quality crop trees that give many benefits from careful management." Click on their names to visit their sites and learn more about sustainable forestry practices. Land Stewardship ProjectWorking to Keep the Land and People Together The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) works for a food system that protects soil, water and wildlife resources, promotes fairness and economic opportunities for family-sized farms and rural communities, and provides safe and healthful food for all people. Bobby King, who travelled on the river with us from Latsch Island to Prairie du Chien, works for the Land Stewardship Project as a community organizer. This is one of the forward-looking, big-picture organizations that deserve our attention and support. Please check out their website at http://www.landstewardshipproject.org and give them whatever help and support you can. arctic questOn March 6, 2000, just west of Las Cruces, NM, Poppa Neutrino, Capt. Betsy, and the Buoyant Neutrinos crossed paths with Jeff Barrie and Alex Tapia of "Arctic Quest." Jeff was riding a bicycle across the country from California to Washington, DC, to spread information about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), and about reducing our dependence on oil. Alex was driving the supply car (a very special, low-energy consumption model, now becoming more popularly known as a hybrid type vehicle), and was doing the filming and support work. We had a very informative and enjoyable visit with them, and saw their very well produced video about the ANWR, and how it is being threatened by the oil industry. June 2006 update: Jeff and Alex are now based in Nashville, TN and are working on a new project focusing on high electricity consumption and the problems with burning coal. "New Renaissance is a quarterly magazine serving as a forum for progressive discussion on the future of society. Since 1990, it has been bringing a holistic perspective to the economic, environmental, political, social, spiritual and cultural concerns of today. As its name implies, New Renaissance hopes to inspire a creative burst of energy which will help humanity surmount its present global crisis. New Renaissance thus highlights the writings of people with a positive approach towards contemporary problems. "In an age of increasing economic disparity New Renaissance promotes ideas and programmes which will lead to a decentralised, cooperative and democratic economic system, and advocates a new humanism in which our concern is expanded to include all living beings." Check out their online articles, forums, and many other interesting and informative features at their website: www.ru.org Big River NewsletterA fascinating newsletter covering all aspects of river life on the Upper Mississippi, from ecology and wildlife, to travelers and laborers on the river, current issues effecting the future of the river, and festivals and events of all kinds. Well worth a look at their website, which has extensive archives and samples from present and previous issues; and if you like what you see, why not subscribe? www.big-river.com Click to see what they wrote about us in their July issue. Upper Mississippi River Historyby Capt. Ron Larson, U.S.M.M., Ret We met Capt. Ron during our trip down the Mississippi and were entertained by his stories on more than one occassion. He has written a highly informative and entertaining book covering all aspects of Mississippi River history and folklore from Minneapolis to St. Louis. Written by a former river pilot, who sprinkles the text with "fact, fiction, and legend" gathered through his many years on the river. To find out more, or to order the book, go to: http://www.littleriverbooks.com/upper.htm Toward the One"This domain and its sites acknowledge and celebrate the thread of unity which interweaves itself throughout all religious paths and philosophies. This thread is the Message of Love, Harmony and Beauty, and is reflective of Universal Laws, such as the Golden Rule, which appear in the Sacred Texts of the world's religions." Shawn, one of the crew of the Vilma B, participated in an evening of "Dances of Universal Peace" led by members of the Sufi Order of Austin, TX, one of the groups represented on this website. She says, "We danced and sang for two hours, drawing from every major religion. Through pure spiritual effort and energy, each individual was able to manifest their experience of God. There was an indescribable oneness that is only comprehensible through experience." The Floating Neutrinos enjoyed a wonderful evening with writers, artists, and musicians at Sue Booth-Forbes' breathtakingly beautiful retreat, not far from where the Son of Town Hall landed in Ireland. Sue is an extremely gracious hostess and her retreat is a perfect spot for creative pursuits. Visit her website: www.anamcararetreat.com Sandhill Farm"A small, closely-knit, supportive family of friends who work and play together, Sandhill Farm was started in 1974. We highly value growing most of our own food through organic and biodynamic methods, and have developed a spiritual connection with the land and each other. " Miss Lindsey of Sandhill Farm contacted us through the internet after reading about the Vilma B in an Iowa newspaper. Although we have yet to meet, we have corresponded, and for anyone interested in intentional community, this website is worth a look.
You are visiting the Floating Neutrinos website: www.FloatingNeutrinos.com ©1999-2006, Floating Neutrinos. All rights reserved. For information email Special Thanks to Wiel |