This page is under construction, and is by no means a complete listing of all the very generous donors who have assisted the Neutrino Rafts over the years. We continue to add, update, and fill out this list, but it can never truly be a finished list, as there have been so many people everywhere we've been who have helped and given generously of their time and goods, many of whom remained anonymous. Our heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who has helped us. Absolute AbsolutionBilly Kenon of Marine Salvage and Service who donated space and utilities in Port Isabel for construction after leaving Corpus Christi. Pastor Steven Hyde and his wife Janie, from the Lighthouse Assembly in Port Isabel, who took our project under their wing, provided computer access and practical support . Gilbert Bernal of White Lumber & Supply, Inc., Port Isabel, who supplied lumber at cost and donated hardware for use in the construction. Dean Kennel, who donated plywood, power tools and a Global Positioning System as well as his labor in the building of the second hull and transporting lumber. Emzy Nauert, who donated plywood. Bill Bump of Foam Enterprise, Inc., who donated catalyst and arranged for the donation and shipment of poured foam from W. Brown & Sons, North Carolina. Ed Kelly, who designed and made the launching mechanism for the first and second hulls, and who drove us many times in his pick-up to get materials. Ed also donated a used generator to the project. Jackie Garrett of Canvas Creations, Port Isabel, who donated a large vinyl awning to provide shade over the building platform. Dolly Mundell, who gave us a space to build the first hull in the canal at the foot of her garden in Corpus Christi. Eurotech, who allowed us to collect waste polyurethane foam from their highway repair work in Corpus Christi. Adam Peat for his help with the printing of our brochure. Also a special thanks to the many individuals, too numerous to mention, who donated recycled materials to the project. Vilma BBilly Kenon, of Marine Salvage and Service in Port Isabel, Texas, has donated docking space, electric and water service to the raft projects. Our present construction work would not be possible without his generous assistance. Seed money for starting the Vilma B Orphanage Raft project has come from the
estate of Lewine Russell Thanks to the many individuals who put donations into our wishing well all along the Mississippi River and Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Design Homes of Prairie du Chien donated a large amount of used lumber. Also in Prairie du Chien we received a donation of about a dozen sheets of used plywood from Terry and Cindy Wille. Tom Bouzek and all the folks at GCR Tire Center have donated a 20 HP outboard, complete with a tank of gas, to replace our 6 HP, which quit just below lock and dam #6. This motor has proved our most reliable workhorse, and has steered the vessel over hundreds of miles of river. Tommy Vaughn of Ferryville brought down and donated to the Vilma B his classic 1930's vintage Johnson Seahorse 4.5 HP outboard motor. These old Johnsons have many advantages: they are built very simply, and are therefore easy to repair; are quite reliable; and their parts are readily available worldwide. We feel honored to have received this treasure. Bob Bradour of Davenport, Iowa made so many trips to the raft with lumber, foam, batteries, bottled water, and many other donations, that we began to feel like he was one of the crew. Now that we are outside of his range of travel, we miss seeing him very much. Smithway Motor Xpress donated the transportation of the June's Barn pushboat raft from Dows, Iowa, to Grafton, Illinois, where it joined the Vilma B. Without their help, the June's Barn quite possibly would have stayed in the Iowa farmland and never made it to the water! Son of Town HallPatrick Tesniere, the local Yamaha Marine Specialist of Saintes Marie
de la Mer, on the Mediterranean Coast of France, generously donated his expertise and
assistance with our outboard motor problems. This was something we needed very much, so
that we have backup motor power in case our small diesel fails, and we are very grateful
for Patrick's generosity.
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