Please note: these videos have been uploaded by persons unknown to us. We provide links here for the convenience of our visitors. The video quality on the Neutrino Sutra is not all that good. If you would like to order a DVD copy of either of these videos, please follow the links below. Thank you.
Neutrino Sutra
People said it couldn't be done — but they did it! This 52 minute video, produced and directed by Poppa Neutrino, shows a more intimate and detailed version from what was shown on National Geographic TV. See for yourself the storms, icebergs, mental and emotional challenges, and the triumphs of the four Floating Neutrinos and their three dogs during their 100 days at sea! Featuring music from The Flying Neutrinos CD To order a DVD copy of this video, please email [cyberneutrino at]. Thank you. |
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Random LunacyThis film was produced and edited by Home Team Productions, using Poppa Neutrino's video footage. "RANDOM LUNACY casts a searching gaze on what it means to be marginalized, while at the same time examining what our choices have to do with our ultimate freedom." - Quoted from the film's producers, Vic Zimet and Stephanie Silber. Order Random Lunacy in DVD here
"A must-see film distinguished by its lessons